Article 3323

Title of the article

Differentiation of the labor sphere under the influence of uneven digitalization 


Sergey А. Zolotov, Candidate of sociological sciences, senior lecturer of the sub-department of journalism, National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (23 Gagarina avenue, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia),


Background. The current process of digitalization is uneven across the economy, resulting in sectors with intensive use of digital technologies and sectors where these tech-nologies are less widespread. The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of digitalization on the labor sphere (industrial production), depending on the degree of application of digital technologies. Materials and methods. The theory of world-system analysis by I. Wallerstein, updated under the conditions of the digital economy, and the materials of three original studies were used to test the hypothesis about the impact of digitalization on the production situation, including the level of wages, working conditions and working hours. Results. It is shown that employees of a typical enterprise in the core of the digital economy have a salary significantly higher than the average for the region, while workers in the periphery of the digital economy earn less than the average salary in the region. It was revealed that the employees of the core enterprise are satisfied with the working conditions, and for the employees of the periphery the problem of unfavorable working conditions is relevant. It has been established significant difference in the mode of operation at the enterprises of the core and the periphery of the digital economy: core workers have not had night shifts, they have the opportunity to influence the mode of work; workers in the periphery have night shifts, the working hours are set without their agreement, by manage-ment. Conclusions. World-system analysis is adequate for studying the impact of digitaliza-tion on the labor sphere. Elements of the production situation that are favorable for workers prevail in the core of the digital economy, whilst on the periphery, prevail unfavorable ones.

Key words

digitalization, digital economy, world-system analysis, wage, working conditions

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For citation:

Zolotov S.А. Differentiation of the labor sphere under the influence of uneven digitalization. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Povolzhskiy region. Obshchestvennye nauki = University proceedings. Volga region. Social sciences. 2023;(3):41–51. (In Russ.). doi: 10.21685/2072-3016-2023-3-3


Дата создания: 13.11.2023 14:01
Дата обновления: 13.11.2023 14:22